Welcome to the newest installment of the Care for Them Resources Blogš.
If you aren't on Slack and want to participate, please press the Join Us button!
To Do:
Attend our Webinar Planning Meeting, Sunday 9:00 PM (normal zoom)
Help make webinar graphics, contact Milla or Jeremy if you have questions!
Help on the curriculum, contact Josh, Aditya, or Jeremy
Brainstorm new What is Care for Them Video, contact Zach
Make Tiktoks/Social Media posts(fun stuff), contact Zach
Recap of what happened:
Webinar Event Planning
Potential Volunteer meeting to create more advertisements
Milla + Jeremy Started on creating visuals and emails
Delegate work to people done with APs!š
Curriculum Creation:
Shared the Curriculum Gameplan (All docs can be accessed with CFT google account)
Targeted to PILOT in 2 months! Start of Aug
Attempt to overlap w/ Aditya and Josh's Senior Proj
This is the Applicational Course Curriculum Doc
Revamped Team Structure

Estimated implementation - After School Starts
More info coming!
Be on the Lookout for:
15 mins of recognizing other's work! *we need a name for thisš (Hype Me UP)???
In Person Social, campfire??? After school ends?