The Care for Them Blog just told me to write a catchy title so I couldn't just title it 5/27 Recap... But this day does mark an important transition. Say goodbye to Weekly Wednesdays and hello to Time to Talk Thursdays😂🔥 That Alliteration Tho

To Do:
Send out Initial Advertisements for Dr. Meilin Young: Mythbusters
Saturday 9:00 PM Meeting
Help on the curriculum, contact Josh, Aditya, or Jeremy
Brainstorm new What is Care for Them Video, contact Zach - Zach will reach out w/ a starting idea on Saturday
Next Meeting - In person! (We are taking a break)😎
Recap of what happened:
Created a bunch of social media graphics
Prepared to post a bunch to instagram!
Emails are prepped
Next on the block is to check in w/ Dr. Young for a finalized Date
Tentative date, 6/23
📕Curriculum Creation:
This is the Applicational Course Curriculum Doc
First Draft is almost done!
Checking in w/ Shah first (Sat), Then contact some other professionals to check over
Moving onto Course Agenda soon (We are 1 week ahead of schedule!)
Targeted to PILOT in 2 months! Start of Aug
🏘Revamped Team Structure Coming in 2 weeks
👩🏻🏫New FastForwardU class! We have applied
Be on the Lookout for:
15 mins of recognizing other's work! (Hype Me UP)🙌
Meeting on Saturday
Reflection Check ins for May before the Revamp of Team structure