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Snapshot of a productive week

Writer: Care For Them CorporationCare For Them Corporation

📌To Do:

  1. Round 2 of revising the Schedule (aiming to have a fully revised plan end of the week)

  2. Meeting w/ Professionals + Hop Professors

  3. Applying for funding

  4. Marketing!

  5. Brainstorm Intro Video

Revising Course Agenda (Operational Team)

We will be revising the Course Agenda in groups. Please revise before 7/15 Thurs

Here are the groups and which days they will revise:

Group 1: Josh, Jaydon, Aditya - Day 7

Group 2: Rohan, Jonathan - Day 8

Group 3: Milla, Zach - Day 9

Group 4: Jeremy, Volunteers - Day 10

What does this look like?

Go to the document and turn on suggesting mode, think through all the activities that are planned for your assigned days.

Decide whether the activity is fun/engaging/interesting and edit and revise it. You have full flexibility and can add, subtract, modify any events!


👀Be on the Lookout for:

Operational Team

  1. Meeting w/ Professionals

    1. Teachers - revising

    2. Health Professionals - brainstorming ideas

  2. Revising Course Agenda

    1. This week, we'll complete the course agenda

    2. Next week, we'll incorporate professional feedback and ideas and finish the course agenda

    3. Next Next week, we'll start building teaching materials.

    4. Next Next Next week😂, we'll be teaching ourselves the course and prep for a potential first week of Aug PILOT

  3. Individual Check-ins about the curric - 7/15

  4. Brainstorming how to reach out to community centers + existing summer programs to PILOT the courses

    1. Probably too late to set up a summer program so the plan is to reach out to existing ones to borrow their students for a week/day if possible

Admin Team

  1. Sending emails to Hopkins Public Health professors - looking for advisors!

    1. Setting up meetings as well to talk and receive advice (meeting w/ Director of CAH this Tuesday!)

  2. Applying to a couple school funding opps

  3. Advertising to get more coords!

  4. Emailing Schools to gauge interest

Relations Team

  1. Brainstorm Care for Them Intro Video

  2. Creating Canva Instagram posts (sneak peaks of curriculum)

  3. Revise content calendar for July


🔥Recap of what happened:

  1. Finished a great round of revising

  2. Coordination Team has been updated again!

    1. Operational Coords

      1. Aditya, Jonathan (Liaison), Josh

    2. Administrative Coords

      1. Milla, Jeremy, Jaydon

    3. Board

      1. Zach

  3. Admin Update

    1. Looked into Funding pt. 3, We are ready to apply to a couple of them!

    2. Emailed Hop Prof, looked into Center for Adolescent Health


📝Meeting Notes



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